Tag: IT

Testing the Limits: Unraveling the Art of Software Testing

Testing the Limits: Unraveling the Art of Software Testing

Have trouble testing your code or getting good test coverage? This episode of the Dixre podcast is for you.  Join us for a seamless journey of navigating software testing and mastering the essentials. Software Testing Software testing is the process of evaluating and verifying that a software product meets specified requirements and functions as intended.

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Simple Strategies to Keep Your Personal Information Safe Online

Simple Strategies to Keep Your Personal Information Safe Online

In today’s digital world, it is crucial to keep your personal information safe online.  With everything from shopping to socializing moving to the internet, our digital identities are more vulnerable than ever.  Our digital identities have become prized commodities, sought after by cybercriminals seeking financial gain, political leverage, or simply wreaking havoc.  From social security

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How to Navigate School While Preparing for the Job Market

How to Navigate School While Preparing for the Job Market

Are you a student passionate about tech but unsure how to navigate both school and your interests? Tune in to this episode of the Dixre Podcast for expert tips on juggling school while pursuing essential skills in tech. Women in the Tech Industry Most women see being in the tech industry as a guy thing

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Software Engineering Success: Insights from a Microsoft Tech Lead and Tech Entrepreneur

Software Engineering Success: Insights from a Microsoft Tech Lead and Tech Entrepreneur

Are you thinking of how to become successful as a software engineer? Then you are in the right place because this episode of the Dixre podcast will take you through the essential path to becoming successful. Software Engineer A software engineer is a person who applies engineering principles to the design, development, testing, and maintenance

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Modern Technology Trends in Africa

Modern Technology Trends in Africa

In recent years, Africa has undergone a remarkable technological transformation, driving progress and innovation across various sectors. We are not there yet, but we can boldly say there has been an improvement.  This shift is redefining the continent’s economic landscape and revolutionizing how people live, work, and interact with each other and the world.  From

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